MOQ:720 Stéck / Stécker (Kann verhandelt ginn.)
This festive hydroponic planter is crafted in the shape of a Christmas tree, made from premium terracotta. Its natural earthy tones and fine texture bring a warm, rustic charm to your holiday decor. Entworf fir béid Stil a Funktioun, fördert d'Planzer e gesonde Planzwachstum duerch säin atmungsmaterial, a garantéiert eng korrekt Waasserretention a Loftzirkulatioun. Ideal for succulents, small plants, or even as a decorative piece without plants, this Christmas tree-shaped pot is perfect for adding a touch of holiday spirit to any indoor space.
Tipp:Vergiesst net eis Sortiment vunplanteran eis Spaass Gamme vuGaart Ëmgeréits.